Posted on: August 22, 2020 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

A Message From Jeff’s Backyard

Howdy, neighbors.

We at Jeff’s Backyard extend our warmest thoughts and prayers to each of you during this hectic time of uncertainty.  Above all else, be safe, be smart.

We’re taking a lot of calls asking us, “Are you open?”  YES!… we are OPEN for business as usual (Tuesday-Saturday, 9 am – 6 pm).  If you find yourself staying at home a bit longer than expected, please know that we are fully stocked with propane, wood, and a host of other accessories to cook in the backyard.

One advantage of cooking in the backyard (say, over cooking in the kitchen or going to a restaurant) is, quite simply, distance.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) believes that COVID-19 is spread mainly from person-to-person and that it’s spread via “respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.”  In other words, coughing and sneezing around other folks increases the risk of them inhaling the virus. Accordingly, the further away you are from someone – preferably something beyond 6 ft – the less likely you are of contracting the virus.

Unlike restaurants, movie theaters, and other retail venues, we do much of our work outside… in the open… where we can keep a safe distance. We are fully stocked on all flavors of wood, and we get our 1,000-gallon propane vessel topped-off twice a week. We are here for you when you need us.

Again, be safe, smart.  We’ll get through all this together.

From all of us at our yard – Herb, Kathy, Cotton, and Israel – to your yard, Jeff’s Backyard.


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